Compromises, Compromises
I was thrilled to learn that Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz used Starbucks as a communal vehicle to catalyze a civic reaction to our...
Celebrating the Us We All Will Become
As my 3 year old grandson likes to say, we have “a big problem” in America. We are living longer but we’re uncomfortable with old age....
Carrying the Flag
This morning, a friend of mine sent me this you tube video which features three women, Carmen, Elaine and Joanne in Freeport, Maine who...
The Buck Stops Here
I just deleted the latest of maybe 30 promotional emails from the past three days urging me to take advantage of Presidents’ Day sales...
Babies and Big Brothers: two year old greetings for a new sister
“I just want to see my sister!” proclaimed Roy, my two year old grandson, when he learned yesterday morning that his mom,Natalie, had...
A Refrigerator Full of Memories
We are halfway through the Thanksgiving weekend and I am grateful for a refrigerator full of leftovers. Even after sending my daughter,...
Voting Lessons
A few weeks ago, an educator friend wrote to me in desperation. “I can’t find any good resources for teaching young kids about the voting...
Remembering 9/11
September 11 is here again.On the east coast it seems to arrive most often with the crystal clear skies and crisp air of the original...
Something to Celebrate on Labor Day
Labor Day just ended and I’m especially wistful because I couldn't host our annual Labor Day event. It’s a traditional picnic with games...
Transportation with TSA and Without
I had a fascinating encounter with two transportation systems yesterday. I got the full service treatment from TSA at Boston Logan when I...